With only a few weeks to go until Halloween I have come up with a couple of simple, deliciously spooky bakes that should put a smile on any little …

‘Pom Pom is Super’ – a cake to celebrate publication day
Pom Pom the panda is a gorgeous character created by the very talented Sophy Henn. She writes and illustrates beautiful books for pre-school children, …

Bollywood First Birthday Cake
This weekend I made a very special birthday cake for a little boy celebrating his first birthday. His mum had designed some beautiful party invites in …

A Naked Cake for a Sunny Ealing Wedding
A couple of weeks ago we were bathed in glorious sunshine here in West London, though it seems hard to believe now. It was on a lovely Saturday …

Birthday Cake Catch Up – featuring Paw Patrol, Postman Pat, a garden and a puppy
It's almost February already! It's been a while since my last blog post, and I have lots of news and cake pictures to share. It's been a very busy …