Half term week has just flown by in a whirlwind of dancing and baking madness. My daughter was competing in a dance festival which took up most of the …
Science Party Goodies
I loved making this science themed cake, with its bubbling beakers of brightly coloured chemicals. I used a Rice Krispie treat recipe to model my …
An Intergalactic Celebration
I have been sent some gorgeous photographs of the goodies I made for a space themed party recently. The party host has written a post on her blog, The …
Hand painted Lowry birthday cake
My dad was a big LS Lowry fan, and I remember there were prints of his paintings hanging on our walls when I was a child. I was delighted to be asked …
Frozen in Summer
I have two new Frozen cake designs to add to my collection, one of which is perfect for Frozen fans celebrating summer birthdays. I'm afraid that I …